Buying Kratom Online: Benefits and Drawbacks

Buying kratom online offers several benefits, including convenience and access to a wider range of products compared to local stores. Online retailers often provide detailed product information and customer reviews, which can help you make informed decisions.

by: Joe C. | 07/10/24 1:30PM

Starbucks began as a shop that sold fresh coffee beans and coffee-making equipment. Then Howard Schultz realized that people wanted a coffee-drinking experience, and an empire was born.

Now, there is something to be said about a brick-and-mortar shopping experience, whether it's for used books, lattes and macchiatos, or kratom. However, the online store has many advantages that IRL shops lack, especially when it comes to buying kratom.

While New York City does indeed have several kratom shops scattered about the five boroughs, there are just certain benefits to ordering kratom off the internet from vendors like Mount Kratom, an online kratom shop based out of Brooklyn, NY.

Advantages of online kratom shopping

Top quality products

Kratom vendors need to invest a lot of time, research and energy to cultivate trusting relationships with kratom farming operations in Indonesia and neighboring countries. This helps ensure that all the dried powder kratom is grown, harvested and tested for maximum freshness and purity, along with maintaining high levels of the active alkaloids for premium effects.

Of course, some real stores do strive for equal quality, but the costs and efforts of maintaining one’s location, paying rent, dealing with bureaucratic paperwork, and zoning laws might mean there is just less time and energy to focus on sourcing the highest-quality product.

Better variety

Online vendors dealing in kratom don’t have to worry about physically stocking your shelves and organizing your display cases. They have the luxury of being dedicated to constantly expanding the inventory. On average, online stores can carry a more sizable selection of kratom products, whether different strains, varying vein colors, as well as forms of kratom like capsules, powders, and extract-based products like tinctures and gummies.

If, for example, your brick-and-mortar store doesn’t carry a kratom strain or is out of a certain product, what do you think they’ll do? Order some more to their store. So why not cut out the middleman and order for yourself online?

More competitive prices

Real life shops have a lot of extra costs, with rent being an extremely high one, especially in places like New York City and California. To make up for those costs, retailers with physical stores pass those extra dollars onto the customer by making their products more expensive.

Online kratom vendors are in a good position to keep prices as low as possible so that you can enjoy your favorite kratom without breaking the bank. What’s more, when the costs are not too prohibitive, you can shop for a variety and experiment with more strains and colors until you find all the products that are best suited for you.

Good knowledge and resources

Some people might be new to kratom, and so for them, getting educated should be an important part of the process. Many real shops will be staffed with knowledgeable workers who can answer some questions, but human knowledge is limited and prone to error. On top of that, most people prefer to educate themselves through reading and researching.

Online kratom stores often offer their visitors a wealth of useful and educational resources that behind-the-counter human salespeople just can’t always compete with. Great online vendors may have how-to guides, comparison charts, top listicles, and what’s more: real user reviews.

Great customer service

When many people think of customer service, they want to imagine a smiling staffer willing to bend over backwards to lend a helping hand. But that’s hardly the case in reality, especially when many customer support departments in retail can be nightmares.

Online shops are uniquely set up to offer better customer service than IRL stores. The former can maintain larger teams and leverage amazing support software to streamline the process for the speediest help. Combine that with self-help and FAQ modules, and you can see why online kratom shipping can provide for a better customer experience than trendy, understaffed Brooklyn vape shops.

Disadvantages of ordering kratom online

Delivery wait times

This one seems rather obvious: You Walk into a real store, exchange money for some kratom, and walk out with it right away, ready to pop a capsule right there on the street or make some tea the moment you get home. Obviously, when you order anything online, you have to wait which is definitely a bummer.

Real stores win this category, even though the best online kratom vendors offer same-day shipping, meaning your kratom gets packaged and put in the mail as quickly as possible after the sale. For many recipients, delivery is not that long, for example, if you're in the NY tri-state area and you order from a Brooklyn-based online store, the shipping is fast!

Tip: The best online stores often have variety packs, promotions and bulk deals. If you plan your orders properly, then wait times between deliveries will fade away as a problem.

Missing in-person community

To return to our Starbucks example, what made this one coffee shop stand out was the emphasis on experience, and this depends on real-world interactions within a community, whether its espresso lovers or kratom enthusiasts. And it’s hard to argue that online communities can ever replace rubbing elbows in-the-flesh.

But consider this: That friendly community vibe you get in a store is partly just a sales facade. When you order kratom online, you are completely free of any unpleasant purchasing pressure. Take as long as you like, load up your cart and leave it there for a few days, change your mind a hundred times, and no low-wage clerk is going to get impatient with you.

Tip: When shopping for kratom online, you can also check out many great web forums and community message boards to trade information or swap tips. It may not be as personable as in the real world, but it is also less stressful.

Wrapping up: Should you shop for kratom online? Yes!

Online ordering is increasing its dominance in the shopping world. Sure, you might never truly replicate the cafe or cocktail lounge experience in a virtual room. But when it comes to shops and stores, there are clear advantages.

Online kratom shopping is possibly a perfect example of why the IRL store can’t compare: from the best products, the widest varieties, the lowest prices, great resources, and finally, for a pressure-free customer experience.