Guide for Choosing the Right CBD Dose for Pain

CBD has become one of the most valued cannabinoids in the pharmacopeia of medicine. From cancer treatment to anxiety and insomnia, CBD has a wide range of usage for a variety of ailments. One of the biggest complaints is that of pain management. Many want to reduce their pain levels without getting overly drowsy or doped up. In this article we will be taking a closer look at how to choose the right CBD dose for pain.

by: Anthony E. | 04/21/22 1:30PM


What is CBD?

CBD is derived from the cannabis plant as a cannabinoid, known as cannabidiol. It is used to counteract the overstimulating effects of high THC doses and can remedy everything from pain to anxiety. CBD can be extracted to form either a broad-spectrum product complete with THC and other cannabinoids in minute traces, or an isolated product that only consists of CBD.

CBD can be infused with edible products and can also be taken sublingually or even topically. It is an ingredient in many soaps, lotions, deodorants, and even toothpastes that is gaining in popularity. CBD is popular because it works. It is a valid and highly sought-after cannabinoid that currently fetches a high price.

The more CBD is adopted and regulated, the cheaper it will become and available to all. CBD remains unique in its ability to help treat certain ailments without getting the user high. Because CBD can be taken in pill form, it can be easily incorporated into a daily health regimen to treat a variety of ailments.



It is well known that THC is a very useful cannabinoid responsible for treating cancer patients and other people who suffer from debilitating diseases. Appetite stimulation is perhaps the most well documented “side effect: from using THC, along with getting high. Unlike THC, however, CBD does not get you high at all, but instead promotes a sense of relaxation without the altered headspace.

CBD is used to counteract the effects of THC to produce a more balanced high that is manageable. While CBD is considered safe and will not get you high, it is advised to speak with a doctor and not operate a car until you know how CBD will affect you. It can cause excess drowsiness in some sensitive users but is well tolerated in most people.

When it comes to CBD products, using a broad-spectrum oil that contains THC is perhaps the best option if you want to experience an entourage effect that includes all the cannabinoids. This is considered the most therapeutic, though some might want to consider using a CBD isolate which is devoid of all other terpenes and cannabinoids if you do not want to use THC.

The Best CBD Dosage for Pain

When it comes to dosing the right concentration of CBD for pain management, you will always want to start out at the lowest possible dose and work your way up to a threshold. This is because CBD affects everyone differently and some users are more sensitive than others. Over the counter pain medications are notorious for getting the user drowsy to a point of stupor in some cases.

CBD will not cause one to react in this way, though drowsiness can still occur. It is best to start with a dual-purpose product to get the most benefits. A broad-spectrum CBD oil that can be used topically and internally is your best bet. Starting at 10mg per dose, take some under your tongue and hold it there for a minute before swallowing.

You will then want to consider rubbing some directly onto the area that is giving you pain. This is perhaps the best way to help combat the effects of pain without doping yourself up to a point of excess drowsiness. If you find that 10mg is not enough, double the dose and work your way up until you find the right dose for your needs.


Other Uses for CBD

CBD is used to treat a variety of symptoms ranging from pain to insomnia, anxiety, and even obesity. This is because CBD is an effective appetite suppressant that can be used to treat certain health conditions involving diet. CBD excels at providing relaxation and relief from stress and can be used right before going to bed.

Those with epilepsy or inflammatory diseases will find their symptoms calmed from CBD usage. This is due to how the mechanism of CBD works in the brain and body to promote relaxation from within without causing the user to experience a high. CBD works wonders for those who suffer from cognitive decline and can be used in elderly patients as well.

Because CBD works so well for pain, it is often combined with other herbs to further enhance its pain-reducing features. Turmeric and ginger are both used to combat inflammation and steady pain. Combined with CBD, this works as a synergy to promote health and well-being using well researched herbs to provide relief. By itself, CBD can be used for these ailments but is most effective as a broad-spectrum product.

Choosing the Right Product

Choosing the right product and gauging the right dosage depends on many factors, including your weight, the condition you wish to treat, your individual body chemistry, the type of product you are using, and the concentration of CBD and other ingredients in the product itself. When it comes to choosing the right product, you will want to research the brand and the business you are buying it from.

This is because CBD is such a hot topic right now that everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon as another health trend. The truth is that some of these companies are less than reputable since CBD is unregulated and can be contaminated with molds or even not contain any CBD at all!

Always do your due diligence and thoroughly research the products you intend to buy prior to doing so. Talk with your money and let businesses know you want the real deal. Ask around and look online to make comparisons. In time, CBD will be cheaper and available to all to provide us with relief that we all deserve.

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