Does the Titan 2 Vaporizer Produce Smoke or Vapor?

The Titan 2 Vaporizer has been making big waves in the vaping community, but what exactly does it do? In this article, we will discuss if the Titan 2 produces smoke, the difference between convection and combustion, and what factors to consider when choosing between different dry herb vapes.

by: Matthew H. | 06/23/21 1:30PM


Titan 2 Dry Herb Vaporizer Intro

The Titan 2 Vaporizer has made a big splash in the vaping scene. Users have been surprised that the budget-friendly device is able to produce such a high-quality vaping experience. For beginners to dry herb vapes, there may be some confusion about what's actually going on inside the vape when the Titan 2 is power on, specifically what is being produced.

This article will answer the question of whether the Titan 2 produces smoke (as well as a few other interesting facts about the popular vape!)

No, the Titan 2 Produces Vapor

While the Titan 2 does use dry herbs, it isn't actually producing smoke. It uses a heating method called "convection," which means the dry herbs don't come into direct contact with heating coils and no ash is produced. Instead, the heating chamber creates hot air that bakes the herbs to create fumes (or vapor) that you can inhale. The herbs will brown and break down, but they will not denature and turn to ash!

What Is a Convection Vape?

Convection Vapes, including the Titan 2, are a class of vaporizers that make use of hot air to create vapor instead of smoke. While these vapes get hot, they don't get hot enough to actually make the dry herbs burn and create smoke. The slow-heating process takes more time to create vapor, but what's produced is cooler, smoother, and more flavorful than traditional smoke.

Convection vapes are popular among vapers because vapor is far easier to tolerate than smoke. It's also easier to detect the subtle tasting notes present in the dry herb you're vaping (as opposed to the harsh, hot hits of smoke from traditional glass pipes). It also extends the life of the dry herb (where smoking it exhausts it extremely quickly)


What is a Combustion Vape?

Combustion vapes are devices that actually burn dry herb to create genuine smoke. Usually, these dry herb vaporizers will have exposed heating coils inside the chamber where the herb will make direct contact with the hot coils. The coils get super-hot and burn the herbs just like a flame would. When powered on, the coils heat, the dry herb will combust and create smoke.

Essentially, a combustion vape is just a more discrete, easier way to smoke than carting around a glass pipe or needing to roll the dry herb in papers. It eliminates the need for clean-up, and a dry herb vape like this can be stored without making a mess when you are done smoking (something that glass pipes can't easily do).

Should I Get a Convection or Combustion Vape?

Whether you get a convection or combustion vape will be based on what you're looking for in your vaping experience. Convection vapes are fantastic for cool, flavorful hits that are gentle on the lungs. However, convection vapes tend to be more expensive because of their heating chambers. This is especially when you start looking at high-end convection vapes.

Combustion vapes are generally less expensive and will produce smoke almost instantly. The smoke also packs a more potent punch than vapor will. Many who enjoy dry herbs stick with combustion vapes because it is a quick, easy way to get a strong punch from your favorite dry herbs.

However, the smoke produced will be harsh and hot, which may prevent vapers from enjoying their dry herbs to the fullest. You'll also need to use the combustion vape outdoors or in an area where smoking is generally allowed (and you'll almost never want to use a combustion vape inside your home). The smoke will easily scent stain your carpet and furniture.

Again, there's not a wrong or right answer to whether you get a convection or combustion vape. Just get the one that meets your needs the best!


Titan 2 Convection vs. AGO Combustion

The Titan 2 and the AGO dry herb vapes are a perfect contrast between convection and combustion vapes. The Titan 2, a convection vape, has a thicker body to accommodate the heating chamber for dry herbs. It has a max temperature of 428F (which will not burn the dry herbs), and it has a hefty 2200mAh battery to power the heating chamber.

The AGO Combustion vape is much smaller (since it doesn't need a big heating chamber or a large battery). It doesn't have variable heating options (combustion pens won't, since you just need it hot enough to reach the combustion point). The AGO has a modest 650mAh battery, and while smaller than the Titan 2 battery, will have a comparable battery life.

Surprisingly, the Titan 2 and AGO vapes are very similarly priced (usually, convection vapes are much more expensive due to the larger battery and higher-end components required for the heating chamber). If you aren't sure whether you want a convection or combustion vape, both budget-friendly prices make it easy to try both!

Smoke vs. Vapor

With all this talk about convection and combustion vapes, you may be curious about what the difference between vapor and smoke actually is. Vapor is like fumes (similar to what you would see or smell when baking food). You aren't getting particles, ash, or anything else when you inhale vapor, which is why it's much more common for vapor hits to be pleasantly smooth.

Smoke, on the other hand, contains all of the particles and ash that are present when you set fire to something. You get a lot of irritants with smoke (along with a very high temperature), which is why inhaling smoke can be so harsh. You also get a lot of carcinogens present in any smoke (which is why many look to vaping as a "healthier" option).

While the jury is still out on whether vaping dry herbs is actually healthier in the long run, it definitely provides a smoother, more gentle experience with dry herbs.

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