Temperature matters a lot during a dab session. Some users like to target specific terpenes and cannabinoids, while others just want the biggest and thickest clouds they can get. The result will always depend upon what your temperature was and how it was utilized. If you use a carb cap, this will significantly influence the temperature and how your dab hits will be. In this article we will be looking at how different temperatures affect your dab hits.
Having vapor that is thick and dense is what most users crave when they take a dab hit. It fills up the lungs and makes for a tasty and satisfying dab. Dabbing in this way ensures that all the wax will be fully melted and vaporized, leaving behind no traces. This is of course assuming that you have high-quality wax that will respond to high temperatures in this way.
The downside to this is that you will potentially lose some flavor with such a high temperature. This is because terpenes will immediately boil off and dissipate quickly, not allowing them to fully accumulate within the hit. Though you will get a nice, fat hit, it will likely be a bit bitter and harsh on the lungs. Be prepared to have a coughing fit if you are not used to dab hits like this.
Hits that reach anywhere from 600 degrees F to 900 and beyond will constitute a hit from a very high temperature. The higher you go, the more likely your hit will end up having even a burnt taste to it. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you do not go that high. If you intend to get a thick hit, vape at a slightly lower temperature.
Taking longer, smoother hits is the name of the game when you want to dab at a lower temperature. You will also find your hits to have a more pronounced flavor profile and be much more enjoyable. Terpenes are preserved for longer periods under a lower temperature and will reward you with flavor-rich goodness and ease on your lungs and throat.
The bad news is that even though the dab session will last a bit longer and be tastier, you risk not having all the concentrate thoroughly vaped. Your hits will also be less dense, and you will end up sacrificing potency for flavor. This may or may not be a desirable outcome, though this is what will likely result from vaping at a lower temperature.
You never want to go below 300 degrees F when vaping at a low temperature. Always stick to temperatures anywhere from 315 degrees F to 450. This will ensure that your temps reach a sweet spot without going too low. You will want to consider eventually moving up to a medium temperature of around 450 degrees F to 600, which will create a better balance between flavor and density.
When it comes to dabbing with a torch, users will often keep the nail lit until it is glowing hot. The truth is that it is relatively hard to gauge an accurate temperature measurement this way. All your dab hits will be hit or miss when it comes to the ideal temperature range. You will end up going too high if you are a beginner or too low if you are overly cautious.
E-nails offer better accuracy and will not usually go higher than 900 degrees F. The downside to using an e-nail is that it can potentially read out a certain temperature while not actually having the surface temperature on point. You will want to consider priming your nail by leaving it on the desired temp for a couple of minutes before taking a dab.
This will provide better accuracy and lead to a more thorough dab session. Torches are best reserved for advanced users and those who are not beginners. Using one is trickier but is the most common method for dab sessions. E-nails can be a bit pricey too depending on the brand and model.
Different types of nails have varying properties that are better suited for retaining and dispersing heat. Titanium nails are naturally the most durable, while ceramic and quartz remain more fragile, the latter being the most out of the three. Ceramic nails hold in heat the longest and are ideal for most dab sessions.
Quartz nails are best used with a carb cap to retain heat, since they lose heat the fastest. They make up for this by heating up the quickest, providing the best flavor, and being the most inert in terms of their chemical composition. Heat will not affect quartz the way it will when it comes to ceramic and titanium.
Of all three, ceramic takes the longest to heat up using a torch. When it comes to choosing the right type of nail, preference is key since they all feature their pros and cons. Ceramic tends to be the middle ground while quartz offers more while sacrificing durability. It is all a matter of personal preference.
If you are trying to dab using a torch, you will find that heating your nail for 30 seconds and then letting it cool down for 20 seconds before taking your dab can have a dramatic impact on your dab hit. While it can be tedious to use a meat thermometer or other type of temperature gauge on a nail you can get a good idea of how hot it is getting by using this method.
Using an e-nail can be a bit easier, though you should keep in mind that e-nails will not measure the surface temperature of the nail itself, and so you should always prime your nail before taking your dab hit. No matter what type of method you use, getting the right temperature is a balancing act between getting a thick hit and preserving flavor profiles.
Why You Should Use an E-Nail for Dabs