Seven Myths About CBD Explained and Debunked

Since there is so much discussion around CBD and its potential benefits, there are also a lot of rumors being spread containing misinformation. It is always best to do your own research, but we have also compiled a list of seven common myths and misconceptions about CBD.

by: Amy B. | 03/08/21 2:30PM


Since CBD has become such a popular plant compound, there are bound to be lies and myths spread about it. Although some of these myths may have been created unintentionally, spreading misinformation about hemp and CBD can potentially confuse new users. That’s why it’s always important to do your own research when it comes to using cannabidiol, also known as CBD. It’s your lucky day though because we’ve also done some research of our own. And we are here to dispel seven common myths and misconceptions about CBD.

a saying that CBD Is the Only Good Cannabinoid is false

1. CBD Is the Only Good Cannabinoid

While cannabidiol has gained popularity, its well-known counterpart tetrahydrocannabinol is simultaneously getting a bad name. This is mainly because CBD will not get you “high” and therefore it is seen as having “better” side effects. However, there is much scientific research that suggests that the two compounds work even better when combined. Depending on what you are using dry herb for, it’s up to you to decide which works better for you. Many users are beginning to find the benefits of whole plant therapeutics and dispelling this common myth about CBD.


2. CBD Is Non-Psychoactive

The bust for this myth is in the difference between a compound being “non-psychoactive” versus a compound being “non-intoxicating”. It is evident that CBD has an effect on the psyche since many users find the benefits of using it to manage anxiety and depression. However, CBD does not affect the psyche so much that it leads users to feel “stoned” or high with a sense of euphoria. It is more accurate to say that CBD is non-intoxicating or non-impairing than to say that it is non-psychoactive. CBD can be mood-altering in a surprisingly pleasant kind of way and that counters this common misconception.

CBD Plants behind a Liquid Gel

3. Psychoactive Effects Are Bad

Now that we’ve established that CBD is psychoactive, just not to an intoxicating extreme, there are those who believe these effects are bad. However, many commonly accepted pharmaceutical drugs have psychoactive effects as well. This is just a widespread misconception about hemp and the products made with it. Many people within the CBD community are pushing for others to change their mindset around viewing it as a medicine instead of “reefer madness”. The therapeutic properties of CBD tend to outweigh the potential adverse psychoactive effects. And a sense of euphoria can’t be too bad for people who experience chronic pain, in fact, it could be a relieving alternative.


4. CBD Is Sedating

Many people who have already tried CBD may still believe this myth. However, a moderate dose of CBD can actually make you feel more alert instead of sedated. If you take too much CBD though it could help promote better sleep. This is most likely due to the fact that hemp plants with high amounts of CBD in them also have high amounts of the terpene known as myrcene. This terpene is said to have sedating effects and pain killing properties. The confusion at the heart of this myth is due to the fact that there is still a lot to be learned about terpenes and their associated side effects.

Woman being sedated by cbd with text saying cbd sedating

5. More CBD Is Better Than Less CBD

This statement can actually be true, depending on who you are talking to. Because CBD products are made with a variety of extraction methods and strains, each product or batch of dry herb can hold a different dose of CBD. It can be difficult to find the right dose until you also find a type of product and processing method that works well for you too. Products containing CBD isolates can require higher doses to achieve the same effects as a product containing the full spectrum of compounds found in hemp plants. Consuming 50 mg of CBD in an edible will also have a different effect than smoking 50 mg of dry herb with a heavy CBD content. How much CBD is needed and how you want to take it will depend on your needs and preferences though. But it is generally considered a good idea to start with a low dose and build up to your optimal dose of CBD slowly. Sometimes an excessive amount of CBD is less effective than a moderate amount.

6. CBD Is Fully Legal in The United States

This statement is almost true. However, it was industrial hemp that was legalized in the United States in the 2018 Farm Bill, not CBD. The bill did remove CBD from the Drug Enforcement Administration’s list of Controlled Substances, however, that does not put it in the legal clear. CBD derived from hemp plants is deemed illegal to sell as a dietary supplement by the Food and Drug Administration. And while the FDA views hemp-derived CBD as a pharmaceutical drug, CBD derived from hemp’s close cousin is still federally illegal according to the DEA. As with most things when it comes to the law, the devil is in the details.

CBD two bottles with doctor in the background

7. CBD Is the Same No Matter Where It Comes From

Although the CBD compound itself might be the same in all CBD products, what it is mixed with is not. A CBD isolate is often made synthetically in a lab or derived from industrial hemp with very low levels of CBD. However, a full-spectrum CBD product uses the whole hemp plant in the extraction process and the end product includes other natural terpenes and compounds. Where the hemp is grown can also have an effect on the end product, since hemp sucks up toxins from the soil it is grown in. If hemp is grown in clean, organic soil then the resulting end product will act as a better whole-plant medicine as well. So it’s safe to say that not all CBD is created equally.

It seems like we are learning something new about CBD and its potential benefits every day. If you like to consume CBD, then it is important to stay on top of the most recent developments. Then spread the word and work to bust the old myths people might be telling about CBD.

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