Sharpstone Vibrating Grinder Review

This Vibrating herb grinder is guaranteed to increase how much pollen particle you are able to gather. Learn about this cool grinder and what it has to offer here.

by: Greg H. | 07/16/18 1:30PM


A unique grinder to have in your selection, the Sharpstone Vibrating Herb Grinder is great for getting even the smallest, stickiest particles to fall through the holes to component with the screen, and then even further all the way down to the pollen catch. The vibrations create an opportunity resulting in extra, fine powder that normal grinders aren’t capable of creating. The vibrating functionality helps to not only get a finer grind, but also helps to speed up the grinding process. Grinders are perfect for getting the most out of your dry herbs to avoid over-burning thick and dense buds. This herb grinder has the usual sharp blades that come with any Sharpstone and it will last you for years to come.


Top Attribute – Vibrating Functionality

The vibrating mechanism will help you accumulate herb particles faster and far more efficiently. The inside of the grinder may become clogged when grinding dense and moist buds, but the vibrations ensure that this happens as little as possible by helping particles fall towards the bottom versus sticking to a wall or blade. Especially right after or even during a grind session, the rapid vibrations will loosen and force the tiny particles downward into the pollen catcher at the bottom of the grinder. We guarantee you'll be surprised at how well a vibrating herb grinder works.


Vibrating Grinder Specifications:

Overall Size

This grinder is 55mm x 57mm in size. This is about the average size of a grinder.

5-Piece Grinder

Outfitted with 5 separate pieces and 4 compartments. The 4 pieces are similar to most 4 piece grinders in terms of the 2 parts with the blades, the piece with the screen, and the bottom that holds the pollen. The fifth piece in the case of this herb grinder would be the battery. The battery is what powers the vibrations.


The grinder is the average weight. A user would not consider this to be light or heavy, but likely what you would expect. The weight feels of quality, is reasonable, and will not disappoint.

Grinding Blades Sharpness

Just like all Sharpstone grinders, you can expect sharp, quality cutting blades here. Some grinders offer dull or plastic blades, but not here, vibrating sharpness only.

Pollen Kief Catcher

One of the most beneficial features of the vibrating grinder is its ability to collect a lot of pollen much faster and more efficiently than other grinders. The vibrations are great for loosening particles that otherwise would stick to the blades and walls of the herb grinder.


How to use the Vibrating Grinder?

Using the vibrating grinder is very simple. It is made up of 5 pieces that can all be separated in order to access the grinder as well as the screen and pollen catcher. Begin by breaking up the nugs into smaller pieces that fit more or less between the teeth of the grinder. Once you have loaded the desired amount into the grinder without overloading it, push and twist the top into the rest of the herb grinder. Once the top is just about on, you can engage the vibration feature to better break up and disburse the herb particles as you are grinding. After a bunch of pushing, twisting and vibrating, unscrew the top portion of the grinder and you should find the smaller particles in a nice pile sitting on the screen. After multiple uses, unscrew the screen piece to reveal the bottom piece that collects the pollen and enjoy.

Maintaining and Cleaning the Grinder

Grinders do not require much cleaning other than simply making sure it does not become clogged, a problem this grinder minimizes with its special features. This model is made up of multiple pieces that can be easily taken apart and separated for easy cleaning and maintenance, and its vibrations will make it even easier to keep clean with each session. The sharp blades featured on this grinder as well as its vibrating functionality help to minimize the amount of stray flower that becomes caught and clogs the space between blades. After a couple months of use, you can use a cleaning solution to really clean it and make it feel brand new again, however, you need to be careful when you clean this grinder due to its electrical components that cannot be exposed to water or alcohol-based cleaning solutions.


Is a Vibrating Grinder for me?

Finding a useful, cool grinder comes down to a matter of preference. Vibrating grinders such as this one are for avid smokers who want to be able to get every last bit of ground up herb in the pollen net. The majority of grinders have sharp blades similar to those featured in this piece, but become clogged much easier and require them to be cleaned more frequently. This vibrating grinder will make it easy to use over and over again without worrying about maintenance as much.

Using a grinder streamlines the smoking experience and helps you get more flavor and more of an even burn with your flower. It is faster, does not give you sticky fingers, results in more evenly ground powder, and overall will allow you to get more out of your flower and smoking sessions in general. Using a grinder that vibrates not only helps you make your herb last longer, but also gives you a unique accessory that will be the envy of your group and gets your herb ground up finer, faster, and easier.

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