Dugout pipes are one of the most convenient ways to travel with your dry herbs and gear. Everything is contained within the dugout without having to carry anything extra, except for a lighter. In this article we will be going over one of our most popular dugout pipes and why you would want to own and use one.
The Zebrawood Dugout Pipe is made by hand and crafted in the USA by Keystoned Plus. The Dugout measures 3 inches tall, is 1 and 7/8 inches wide, and 5/8 inches in depth. This makes it very convenient and practical to carry around inside a purse or pocket. The Zebrawood Dugout Pipe is also made from authentic zebrawood.
The design is a unique look that is different from other pieces, ensuring an original dugout. The pipe that comes with the dugout is made entirely of ceramic and is shaped and colored to look just like a regular cigarette. This can help tremendously with stealth usage combined with it being an inconspicuous one-hitter.
The Zebrawood Dugout Pipe has an additional compartment that is made specifically to safely secure your dry herb material. All in all, this dugout is one of the more practical pieces to own. It is fairly priced and is made of real zebrawood. The convenience of having a smoking kit at your disposal will make having this dugout invaluable.
You will always want to ensure that you have a great smoking experience by starting out with high-quality dry herb material. It is advised that you keep your nugs whole to prevent them from sticking and accumulating inside your dugout’s compartment, though this is not a necessity. Though it only makes maintenance easier for you by keeping your dry herbs whole while inside your dugout.
Once you have your dry herb material ready for smoking, simply load up your pipe and take a hit. It should be advised to keep it clandestine and light up your pipe the same way you would a cigarette and take your hit all in one go. This will ensure you are keeping things stealthy and doing it the right way.
It should be noted that the pipe itself is small enough to quickly heat up right after taking a hit, and so you will want to put it back inside your dugout after blowing out the ash. This will keep things easier to clean and maintain.
Being as how this dugout pipe is made from real zebrawood, it is highly advised that you do not put any liquids directly onto it as this will result in discoloration and possibly damage over time. If you find that you want to clean your dugout, simply using a dry microfiber cloth will do. Other cotton cloths may splinter against the wood and leave behind lint.
Even alcohol that dries quickly is not advised since this can also discolor the wood and fade it out as soon as it hits the wood. Being as how aesthetically unique and beautiful zebrawood happens to be, this would devalue your piece and make it look ugly. Maintaining your dugout is as simple as wiping it down with a dry cloth when the time calls for it.
By simply twisting the top portion of your dugout, you gain access to the pipe and the dry herb compartment. Keeping this hinge in top shape is paramount to having a functioning dugout in the long run.
The Zebrawood Dugout Pipe is perfect for those who want a portable smoking kit without having to lug around additional accessories. Those who want something that fits in tight spaces like a purse or pocket will find the Zebrawood Dugout Pipe to be ideal.
At an affordable price point that can accommodate, you will find this dugout piece to be convenient and functional. Because the pipe itself is small and shaped just like a cigarette, users will find it to be intuitive and ideal. If you want a stealthy option that will be perfect for those public situations, then you will find this piece to be just what you’ve been looking for.
At a distance, the pipe looks just like a regular cigarette. When lighting it up, you take one hit and then you are done with it. If you are looking for a nice-looking top tier dugout pipe that eliminates the need for all the extra stuff, then the Zebrawood pipe may be what you’re searching for!
Dugout pipes are can be better than other pipes on the market for a variety of reasons. They are functional, practical, convenient, and affordable. The concept of the dugout pipe is not new, but you seldom see them around. Dugouts have the potential to become more in demand as people look for convenient options without all the extra accessories.
How to Use the Dugout and One Hitter Pipe - Pro Tips