Boundless Vapes

A true innovator in the world of vaporizers, Boundless vapes offer convenience with cutting-edge technology. No more fiddling with wax concentrates to enjoy your favorite method of consumption, because now you can dab straight out of the dip! NYVapeShop has all the latest models of your favorite brands! Shop today where shipping is always FREE within the US, and delivery is always DISCREET!

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Boundless Vapes is a relatively new player to the scene with their competitively priced dry herb, wax, and hybrid vape products. Most of the Boundless catalogue is dedicated to dry herb vapes but they also produce excellent wax vape units as well. Product type aside, Boundless always delivers when it comes to reliability and affordability. This is brand is perfect for multiple vaping preferences and lifestyles.

Boundless Dry Herb Vaporizers

Boundless offers a range of medium priced dry herb vaporizers that can meet the needs of most vape users. Each unit has its own features that make it unique in this category. For example, the heating system can be different between each vape where one vape uses pure convection heating while another has a hybrid conduction/convection system. The overall compactness of Boundless dry herb vaporizers can also change depending on the unit. Generally speaking, the miniaturized versions of the largest Boundless vaporizers are lower in price but sacrifice battery power, etc.

Boundless Wax Vaporizers

In addition to a robust range of dry herb vaporizers, Boundless also has wax vaporizers on offer to customers. The Boundless wax vapes are all sleek in design and super low profile making them ideal for long day-trips and other events. Even better is the fact that Boundless has found a way to make dabbing tool irrelevant. Now, users can heat up and smoke their favorite waxes all within one unit instead of having to lug extra accessories around. Choosing a Boundless wax vaporizer will come down to personal preference — especially when it comes to cost.

Boundless Oil Vaporizers

Boundless has yet to launch a vaporizer built exclusively for oils. While they do have a hybrid vaporizer, it is designed to vape waxes and dry herbs. Until a product is developed, it is recommended to check out other brands that specialize in oil vapes.

Boundless Hybrid Vaporizers

One unique aspect of Boundless as a brand is their hybrid vaporizer, the CF Hybrid. This vaporizer is capable of vaping both dry herbs and waxes. On one side of the vape is a dry herb chamber and on the other is a 510 thread for a wax cartridge of your choice. This is an awesome way to avoid having to buy two different vaporizers that each specialize in dry herbs and waxes.


As we mentioned above, Boundless specializes in dry herb, wax, and hybrid vaporizers that can be priced as low as $60 and as high as $200. The most amount of options can be found in the dry herb category and the least in the hybrid category. All of Boundless’ vaporizers are designed to be sleek and low-profile, so no worries there. To make things easier we will point out a few solid options from Boundless that might be a good fit for you.

Boundless CF 710 Dab Pen

The CF 710 is a super sleek, low-profile dab pen that aims to make user convenience the number one priority. Unlike other dab pens which require that you have a dab tool, the CF 710 makes the dab tool superfluous and instead has everything you need built into the vaporizer itself. This is achieved with the CF 710’s heating element which is designed to be dipped into the concentrate while the user inhales on the pen. Heating times for vaporizers can be quite long but not with the CF 710 which has a 5 second heating time — no need to wait an eternity to get dabbing.

Boundless Terp Pen

Boundless has made the Terp Pen to be 1/3 the size and weight of the CF 710 making it even easier to take on the go and kept out of sight. To cut down on weight things like the power button have been removed and instead all one has to do is inhale. If the CF 710 is a bit out of your price range and you want something a little more straightforward then the Terp Pen might be a great choice. After all, enjoying a dab is the ultimate goal here.

Boundless CF

The CF is an integral part of the Boundless product line. Designed to be compact and easy to use, the CF 10 uses a hybrid heating system (convection/conduction) to give users an unparalleled therapeutic experience. In addition, the CF 10 boasts an isolated air path that ensures a cool and flavorful vape. Users have a decent amount of control with the CF as well due to its customizable temperature settings that can be adjusted by 15 degrees at a time. This is a dry herb vaporizer you should not miss out on if you are looking for a high quality vaping experience.

Boundless CFV

Unlike the CF which uses a hybrid heating system, the CFV uses pure convection heating which has been lauded as the healthiest and cleanest way to vape. This is reflected in the price of CFV which is higher than the CF. Heat up times have also been shortened with the CFV. For users looking to experience the benefits of convection heating then the CFV is an obvious choice. Yes, the CFV is expensive but it will definitely last and should put out there same amazing experience every single time. This another solid dry herb vaporizer from Boundless.

Boundless CF Hybrid

The CF Hybrid is by far the most unique vaporizer out of the Boundless catalogue. Instead of being limited to only dry herbs or waxes, the CF Hybrid allows users to vape BOTH. The design of the CF Hybrid is built for this exact purpose with a dry herb heating chamber and 510 thread on each side of the vaporizer. This vaporizer is a perfect fit for those looking to vape both dry herbs and wax with the convenience of one vaporizer instead of two. Features like an isolated airflow or OLED display screen are also present here. Overall, this another AWESOME unit that has a lot to offer.

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