Dab Nails

Shop below for domeless nails and e nails. We have ceramic, titanium and quartz bangers to satisfy every type of dabber. We have small and large nails, plus nails that are interchangeable so they can adjust to a dab rig stem and change from male to female. Find the perfect nail for wax or gift a friend. All USA shipping is FREE and packaged discreetly.

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Homer Simpson Nectar Collector
$18.99 $29.99
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G Pen Connect E-Nail for Dab Rigs
$129.99 $149.99
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Domeless Titanium Dab Nail
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Quartz Dab Nail Female
$9.99 $15.99
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How to Choose a Domeless Nail

It is most important to find a domeless nail type that properly fits your dab rig. Dab rig nail sizes and styles can vary drastically from one option to another. We provide easy-to-read, dab nail information below so that you can shop for a new dab nail with a better understanding of these cool dab tools.

Choose the Size Properly

Similar to a bong, a dab rig has a slide that extends inside the rig so that the vapor can pass through and be filtered by the water. Depending on the setup at hand, one size dab nail or another may work with your rig. There are interchangeable nails and adapters available to accommodate varying sizes and it is important to always use a nail that is properly secured before dabbing.

Titanium Composite, Ceramic, & Quartz Nails

Domeless Nails can be made of either material and there are pros and cons to each. The best dabbing nail for you will come down to personal preference. Quartz nails are obviously the most delicate, but they heat quickly and retain heat well, plus they are known for pure taste. Metal titanium dab nails will last forever, but take longer to heat and cool quickly. Ceramic dab nails are known for good taste, but they take a while to heat and retain heat well.

Male & Female Nails

A wax nail will come in both male and female. Male nails will slide into the dab rig similar to a bong bowl. Female nails will fit right over the stem. Universal nails have the ability to change between male and female fittings. Depending on the dab rig setup, you will need one of these options, unless you have nail adapters that give you some flexibility on the exact nail size.

E Nail vs Original Dabbing

Once upon a time, there was no choice here. Originally, dabbing required the user to heat the domeless nail with a blow torch until the surface became super hot. This method is still very popular, especially with veterans, however, e nails are much safer and easier to use. Plus, e nails will allow you to fine-tune the heat versus a blow torch that requires experience or at least some know-how.

What is a Domeless Nail

A domeless nail is a wax tool specifically designed for use with dab rigs. They are the bong bowl of dab rigs and it is where the wax is applied. They can vary drastically from ceramic to glass and even electronic nails now exist. The varying sizes and styles are endless but they all have one purpose to serve as an essential attachment to a dab rig.

E Nails

E Nails are the newest type of domeless nail and they continue to gain in popularity. This trend will likely continue because it is much safer and easier to heat the nail with electricity versus a blow torch. The blow torch required some guess-work on temperature, but with E Nails, you can fine tune the temperature by a single degree for the tastiest vapor experience.

Ceramic Nails

Ceramic is durable but will not last as long as the metal nails, especially when they are dropped. Ceramic is popular because it is inexpensive and there are many cool options. Ceramic takes time to heat up, but it retains the heat well and offers great temperatures for dabbing wax.

Titanium Nails

These Nails are made of a titanium composite and are well known for durability, and can pretty much last forever. They come in a variety of options from female to male and universal options. These nails perform well but they cool more quickly than other materials and perform best with the help of a carb cap.

Quartz Nails

A glass nail for dabs, aka a quartz dab nail is best known for the purity of taste for your wax. The only problem, a glass nail for dabs is fragile. they are fragile. There are many styles of glass nail for a dab rig. The quartz glass nails heat up quickly and retain heat fairly well. If you are looking for a new wax nail, check out the glass nails available for purchase!

Metal Dab Nails

Metal dab nails are used for dabbing, a method of consuming concentrates like wax or oil. These nails for a dab rig are typically made from materials such as titanium and stainless steel. Metal dab nails are known for their durability and ability to withstand high temperatures. Metal dab nails are often used in combination with a dab rig and a butane torch for heating the nail. A metal nail dab offers a quick heat-up time and efficient heat retention. Some say metal is the best dab nail, but it is all about personal preference.

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