Smoking Accessories

We offer an assortment of accessories for the seasoned vaper. Keep your smoking room clean and check out our rolling trays or our glass and silicone ashtrays! Or better yet, keep your paraphernalia clean and check out our 420 cleaners! We have travel cases and stash containers as well! Check out our assortment below!
Product Categories
Spiral Worms Glass Pipe
$14.99 $19.99
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Rick & Morty Metal Rolling Trays
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Large Metal Rolling Trays
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Long Metal Rolling Trays
$9.99 $16.99
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8" Metal Rolling Tray
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Long Glass Diffuser Downstem
$11.99 $16.99
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Universal Clear Glass Downstem
$9.99 $12.99
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Motion Sensing Debowler Ashtray
$17.99 $29.99
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Turtle Silicone Debowler Ashtray
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Hand Carved Blunt & Joint Case Holder
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Dragon Claw Silicone Bong Bowl Piece
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Cool Rolling Trays
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Double Ended Joint Holder
$12.99 $16.99
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Clear Glass Bong Bowl Piece
$7.99 $12.99
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Silicone Ashtrays Unbreakable
$16.99 $19.99
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Hidden Wall Safe stash spot
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Bong Mouthpiece Adapter
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DeBowler Silicone Ashtray
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Joint Holder Ring for Finger
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Cool Glass Ashtrays
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How to Choose the Best Smoking Accessories

There are various types of smoking products and accessories all designed to improve your smoking experience. Ashtrays are essential so you may as well have an ashtray that matches your personality. Joint holders can help you get a good grip until the very end and also prevent stinky fingers. Accessories like rolling trays, rolling machines, grinders, papers, crutches and filters can help you roll. A dugout box is the perfect accessory for a one-hitter. All our dugout boxes include a one-hitter and feature a storage area for dry herbs. This is an essential accessory for every smoker.

The Various Types of Smoking Accessories

Smoking accessories come in all sorts and can be made from a variety of different materials. Ashtrays are often made of glass, but ashtrays can also be made from wood, metal, plastic or bamboo. Joint holders can be made of metal but lately silicone has become the most popular material for joint holders. Silicone is easy to clean, highly heat-resistant and is extremely durable. The type of smoking accessory you choose whether it be an ashtray, joint holder or other smoking accessory is mostly based on your personal preference and budget.

Durability of Smoking Accessories

If cared for, most quality smoking accessories made from glass, wood or silicone will last forever. Glass is the least durable of these as a glass ashtray could break if dropped. Silicone accessories are the most durable. Unless you take a pair of scissors to silicone, it is nearly impossible to destroy.Many long term benefits. Of course, accessories like rolling papers are single use so durability is not a concern.

Cool Smoking Accessory Designs

Smoking accessories can come in all sorts of cool designs and themes. Check out our glass ashtrays where you can choose from a Bob Marley, Rasta or Skull design. If you want an ashtray you cannot break, look at our silicone ashtrays. These come in various cool colors and even include a built-in spike debowler to help clear ash from a toasted bowl. We have colorful silicone joint holders to help keep your fingers clean. Here at the Online NY Vape Shop website we also sell several handmade wooden dugout boxes if you are looking to buy a smoking parts and accessories with a more natural look.

Convenience Provided by Smoking Accessories

Smoking accessories can be helpful in many ways and a source of added convenience. Ashtrays give you somewhere to ash and put out your butts. Plus, they look nicer than an empty can. Joint holders can stop you from burning your fingers and keep them smelling fresh. Our dugout pipe kits come with a one-hitter pipe that fits inside a wooden dugout. The dugouts also have space to store dry herbs. This is a convenient way to discreetly store and use dry herbs on the go.

Types of Smoking Accessories

There are lots of options when it comes to smoking accessories. From papers to dugout boxes, we have you covered at Browse our store to find the biggest selection of high-quality smoking accessories. In the next section, we will give you a little more detail about the types of ashtrays, joint holders, dugout pipe kits and rolling trays on the market today.


Ashtrays are essential for people who smoke. Even if you prefer to use a bong or pipe over rolling papers, it is still nice to have an ashtray to empty a toasted bowl into. Ashtrays can be made of different materials, but glass ashtrays are the most popular. They are both durable and easy to clean. Many glass ashtrays have cool color designs or a theme. Check out our selection of glass ashtrays. Remember to choose your design from the dropdown box.

Joint Holders

Joint holders can be multi-purpose. Once rolled, you can place a joint in a joint holder to hold it, but mostly just so you remember where it is. Using a joint holder allows you to enjoy a hand rolled cigarette without having to touch the joint. This saves you from burning your fingers but also means you can smoke with wet fingers - say you just got out of the ocean and wanted to enjoy a sunset smoke but you are still wet.

Dugout Pipe Kits

Dugout boxes are meant to store some dry herb and a one-hitter pipe. One-hitter pipes are designed for exactly what they sound like - a single hit. This is the perfect accessory for the on-the-go smoker. Here at, all our dugout boxes come with a one-hitter pipe.

Rolling Trays

Rolling trays are perfect if you roll your own. Rather than using whatever old mail is still sitting on your coffee table, you can have a rolling tray with a cool design to roll on. Even if you do not roll your own, you can dump out ground herbs from your grinder onto a rolling tray to pack into a pipe or bong. Alternatively, you could use them to store change, keys or whatever else.

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